Dear friends, here is the first of some blogcandys to say Thank You! I can`t believe I had over 30.000 hits already! Let`s start with this:

These are Vintage Buttons in every color available at Papertrey Ink, ric-rac ribbon in yellow and green, different flowers made of fabric and paper (some with prints), three Chipboard frames (Tattered Angels) and 1 meter of my favorite 15 mm satin ribbon in different colors.
To be eligible to win this, become a follower (following publicly), post about this candy and leave me a comment! This will close on Wednesday, 17 th. It is the first of many candies I`ll give away every week the next weeks. The more followers, the more candy!
Have a fab day!
Oooow Vanessa, this candy is like gold, we all want to win Papertrey Ink goodies, I shall keep my fingers crossed:)
Vicki x
Congratulations on so many hits. Great candy!
What a beautiful selection, you are very generous, Vanessa.
What fun blog candy! Yummy buttons, flowers and ribbon!
Congrats on so many hits, Vanessa! Your work is so beautiful, it's not surprising! ;)
Nothing could be better than beautiful flowers. Thanks for sharing.
Woohoooooo! Lovely candy, and congrats on so many hits - your blog is fabulous so I'm not surprised so many people agree! I'm reading this during my lunch time at work but will post your candy when I get home. Hugs, Jo x
Congratulations on so many hits Vanessa and I would love to take part in your lovely blog candy offer..!
That is awesome!!! I love blog candy!
Flowers and buttons and ribbons, oh my! Love the SPRING colors as well - much needed since I'm sitting here in 4 feet of snow. Thanks for the chance to win!
congrats on your 30,000 hits, Vanessa! such yummy candy--I love PTI!
Thanks for giving us the opportunity to win this awesome blog candy. I love your cards, so following your blog is a real treat.
Lovely rainbow of embellishments Vanessa!
Oh how fun, and look at all this eye candy! Love PTI goodies, can't get enough of them, and congrats on your blog hits!! Yay!
Vanessa this candy is so bright and cheerful,love all the buttons and flowers yummy! Thanks for giving us the chance to win.
Amazing candy!!!!
TuKara from Tunisia
congrats on your 30,000 + hits!! beautiful yummy candy, too! you are so sweet! =)
BIG CONGRATS on 30,000 hits!!! WOW!! so not surprised...you are so very talented and inspirational! Thanks for the chance to win some beautiful blog candy :) I have blogged about your give-a-way here: http://trace44.blogspot.com/2010/02/look-what-vanessa-is-giving-away.html
What a big milestone!! Congrats!
Congrats Vanessa, and thank you for the opportunity to win the wonderful blog candy you're offering. Keep on with the great inspiration you give us all out here in Blog-Land!
Hi Vanessa, I've just posted your candy giveaway alert! Such a lovely selection of goodies!!! Jo x
greetings to you Vanessa i have added your candy giveaway to my blog sidebar. Thank you so much for the chance to win..i am a follower too..looking forward to future posts..Jan
wow. I love those buttons and ribbons.
Thanks for the chance to win such nice goodies.
And congratulation for the 30.000 hits.
Have a crafty day.
What fab candy - will go and "follow" immediately.
BEAUTIFUL candy, Vanessa! I can't believe I wasn't already a follower, but now I am, and I will post your colorful candy on my blog to spread the love! Congrats on your many hits!! Thanks for the chance to win!!
Thanks for a chance to win your yummy candy and congratulation for the 30.000 hits.I am already your follower (I think I was number 5 last time but I am not sure...but now you have so so so many follower my dear...hehehe) and now I put also your candy on my BLOG to spread the words...Miss u Vanessa...love, Monika
Vanessa, would love a chance to win your candy, your work is so beautiful and your father is SOME photographer, wow is an understatement, I see talent runs in the family!! I don't have blog, I am fairly new to all this, but I will follow you I hope that is enough for me to have a chance at your candy. And if I ever get a blog, will post anything at that time if your still doing this.
30,000 wow....congratulations Vanessa! Your "candy" looks so beautiful in all those yummy colors. Enjoy your day!
I'm a follower, off to post... love the candy but congrats on the amazing number of hits...woohoo!
fun fun fun ! i'd love to win! congrats!
Was für ein wunderbares Candy, da möchte ich doch gerne mein Glück versuchen.
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu den vielen, vielen Besuchern liebe Vanessa, ich komme Dich ja auch immer so wahnsinnig gerne besuchen.
Liebe Grüße
und einen schönen Sonntag
wünscht Dir
Congrats on so many hits!!! Lovely candy! Here's my post: http://underconstruction-agata.blogspot.com/2010/02/du-retard-rattraper-to-catch-up-again.html
Take care!
WOW, Vanessa! Such a generous giveaway! I do not know why I didn't notice this earlier! Thanks for sharing this and congratulations on 30,000!
what a interesting Candy :) i'm really glad that I can take a part in :)
Congratulations Vanessa and thanks for the amazing giveaway....someone will sure be lucky to get it....including me...lol.
Well congratulations on your blogaversary!
Thank you for the chance to win this wonderful candy.
saluti dall'italia public tomorrow the post on http://blogcandymania.blogspot.com/
Hugs, rosa
Greetings to you Vanessa i have added your candy giveaway to my blog here: http://candyricettebarbare.blogspot.com/2010/02/blog-candy-di-vanessa.html
Thank you so much for the chance to win..i am a follower too!!
Greatings from Italy!
Your blog is awasome!!!Now I ad your blogcandy on my blog!
Woooo Hooo for you Vanessa 30,000 is a great number for you and not a surprise cause you are one talented chick! Don't put me in your draw..just wanted to say congrats
Yummy blog candy.... scrumptious colors!
Thank you for a chance to win your blog candy. Congratulations on your 30k hits! I am following you now too. Congratulations!
would love a chance to win your candy! Thanks for chance! I'm a follower, and put your candy on my sidebar :)
Congratulation on the 30.000 hits, you deserve it, your creations are great!
Sooo sweet candy, thanks for the chance to win!
I've linked your candy to my sidebar and follow you.
P.S. I like your smile :) Great photo!
Wow...what a great prize! Thanks for the chance to win. It is no wonder your blog has so many hits...love your creations!
Delicious candy! thanks for the chance towin :)
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