
Bows - Here comes a video!

Happy Sunday! Ok, I can't believe it myself, but I made a video. With audio. Yes, you will hear me trying to explain how to make a double bow. I got some requests (a long time ago - and I am really sorry it took me so long. Please forgive me!) on how I make double bows like this one:

And here comes a tutorial. I hope you won't fall asleep watching it! I am talking really slowly, but I have to think too much about what I want to say and how to say it. And if I will ever make another video, I will have to work on where to place the camera, too. Ok. Here it comes:

Are you still awake? Like I said, I learned how to make a pretty single bow from sweet Aimes. Just go here to watch her video. 

And here is another project using a single bow:

I hope your weekend is beautiful! Thanks for visiting and have a great day!

Hugs and Love,

Everything October Afternoon, except for:
Cardstock, Stamp, Die: PTI
Ink: Tsukineko

Cardstock, Template, Ribbon: PTI
Patterned Paper: GCD Studios
Ink: Tsukineko 


PokSa said...

Thanks for this great video.
Beautiful bows.
Hugs Sandra

CinnamonSally said...

Great video Vanessa, I shall be practicing my bows now!!

Barb said...

I love hearing you, Vanessa! Great video! I've always loved your bows and now I can make pretty, double ones with all the gorgeous ribbon you sent me for your blog candy win! :) Hugs!

Isha Gupta said...

Thanks for the video tutorial Vanessa. Its so nice to hear your sweet voice:)

Aimes said...

Fabby video, Vanessa!!! I love hearing your voice (not in a creepy way LOL!) your English is fantastic and so is your tutorial. I think you've taken my tutorial a step further with those gorgeous double bows - might have to try my hand at those myself now!
Oooh and thanks for linking up my video too (though you really didn't have to of course!)

Sudha said...

Wow beautiful bows. Thanks for the tutorial.

Hobby Musician Keyboard said...

Dear Vanessa,
I Just arrived at you blog. Oh my, do I love your art and creative mind! I'll be watching this blog closely, thank you for giving us so much of your time and mind. You make so wonderful and lovely works! I enjoyed the visit on your site. Many thanks for your beautiful inspirations!!
Many warm Hugs from Marina from Germany
I invited you gently to visit my creative Website: Bettyscardsandpaperdesign.com

Karen Buck said...

Vanessa, I thought your tutorial was perfect. Thank you for showing us a way to do the bows without a pencil holder. :)

Kathy Martin said...

Lovely bows! And card! Your English was perfect! Thank you for the tutorial! :)

Michelle said...

Thank you for the video:-) I love how simple and easy it is.. will definitely come handy when embellishing my cards!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the great tutorial!!Having the option to use my fingers makes the method "portable" so I can really do it anywhere even with out the pencils!And by the way your english is beautiful!

Savannah O'Gwynn said...

OHHH! I cannot wait to watch this video--and I hope/pray that my fingers will be able to make bows just like you!!! I have tried before--and failed. So fingers crossed:)


Anonymous said...

Wunderbar, Vanessa! Du hast das so ruhig erklärt, einfach toll. Ich glaube, ich wäre vor Nervosität vom Stuhl gefallen. Diese Doppelschleife werde ich nachher auch gleich mal ausprobieren. Ich würde mich freuen, wenn Du uns noch mehr Videos zeigen würdest, denn Du machsst das wirklich super. :)

Ganz liebe Grüße, Tina

Ulina / Apricot Bubbles said...

Ich fand das Video ganz toll und sehr nützlich - und dein Englisch ist super!
LG, Ulina

Jan Garber said...

Your command of the English language is better than many of my friend's here in the States! And with what we would think of as an accent, so very pretty! I will defiantely try that double bow! I struggle with my bows all of the time!

Dawn T said...

great tutorial Vanessa. What a sweet accent you have, Your English is very good.

Alice said...

thank you so much for the video, Vanessa! now i know how you made you beautiful bows!! =) and trust me, your english is perfectly fine. looking forward to your next video! =) love your sweet card, too. such yummy colors!

Gailanne said...

Very good video, especially as it's your first one! Your instruction was very clear and the resulting bows are so pretty. I look forward to your next video!